1) Missing the Meal Train - It is unhealthy eating habit is to skip meals. Skipping breakfast is probably the worst. Anytime you skip a meal, your metabolism slows down and you're much likelier to snack on something and overeat later. Plan and make meals ahead of time so that you don't have an excuse to skip a meal. You don't have to plan elaborate meals; you can do something as easy as making a bunch of salads, making smoothies or packing fruit.
(Photo Source: http://blogs.orlandosentinel.com/features_momsatwork/2009/06/healthy-eating-kids.html
3) Potato Chip Bag Lady - If you ever find yourself eating straight of the bag or box, that is a major bad eating habit! There is no way to keep your portions under control and avoid overeating. Eating out of containers makes it so easy to overeat and most times you'll just end up regretting it. Be proactive and make it a habit to keep measured portions of snacks handy or only eat small portions on small plates. (Photo Source: http://veganfilmmaker.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/junk_food_madness.jpg)
4) Meals on Wheels - One of the most unhealthy eating habits you can have is to eat on the run. If you're the type who likes to eat while you're in the car, while working or walking around, stop now! Stop and savor whatever you're eating or drinking and take a moment to sit. Eating while you're running around is just as bad as eating while you're distracted which could result in overeating. Be conscious of what and how you're eating! (Photo Source:http://www.everydayhealth.com/diet-and-nutrition-pictures/bad-eating-habits-and-how-to-break-them.aspx#/slide-7
6) Lost in Emotion - Eating when you're having a bad day or going through a tough time is definitely an unhealthy eating habit to break. Instead of turning to food try calling a friend or going for a walk. Get in the habit of doing something more productive and healthy to try to cope with what's going on. Eating while you're emotional usually leads to eating junk food in bountiful amounts which is totally unhealthy and won't even make you feel better! (Photo Source: http://lidorwriter.files.wordpress.com/2011/10/eatting-habits.jpg)
Now is the right time to stop. I'll start now, what about you?
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